Perform model fit checks for brms models

model_fit(brmsfit, Group = NULL, Prior = FALSE)



The output of a brms model. You can use VarDecomp::brms_model() to produce a brmsfit.


A string containing the name of a grouping variable for the visualization of a posterior predictive check plot (e.g. "sex"). To add multiple grouping variables, use c() (e.g. c("sex", "species")).


A logical argument defining whether the brmsfit contains prior samples. If set to TRUE it will produce plots comparing the log distributions of priors and posterior samples for each covariate.


Returns a list containing (a) the maximum R-hat value, (b) the minimum effective sample size, (c) traceplots, (d) posterior predictive check plots, and (e) prior and posterior sample plots (if priors are available).


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

md = dplyr::starwars

# Centering variables
md = md %>% 
  dplyr::select(mass, sex, height, species) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(mass = log(mass),
         sex = dplyr::recode(sex, "male" = 1, 
                      "female" = -1, 
                      "hermaphroditic" = 0,
                      "none" = as.numeric(NA)))

# Without random effects

mod = brms_model(Chainset = 2,
                 Response = "mass", 
                 FixedEffect = c("sex","height"), 
                 Family = "gaussian", 
                 Data = md,
                 PriorSamples = TRUE)

model_fit(mod, Group = "sex", Prior = TRUE)

} # }