Compare slope values of different brms models

compare_slopes(..., Slope)



brms models to be compared


A string containing the name of the covariate to have the slopes compared between models


Returns a table of values with the log(slope model 1/slope model 2)


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

md = dplyr::starwars

# Centering variables
md = md %>% 
  dplyr::select(mass, sex, height, species) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(mass = log(mass),
         sex = dplyr::recode(sex, "male" = 1, 
                      "female" = -1, 
                      "hermaphroditic" = 0,
                      "none" = as.numeric(NA)))
mod1 = brms_model(Chainset = 2,
                   Response = "mass", 
                   FixedEffect = "sex", 
                   Family = "gaussian", 
                   Data = md)

mod2 = brms_model(Chainset = 2,
                   Response = "mass", 
                   FixedEffect = "sex",
                   RandomSlope = c("sex","species"),
                   Family = "gaussian", 
                   Data = md)

compare_slopes(mod1, mod2, Slope = "sex")

} # }